Management Trustee
Mr. Muzaffar Hussain | Trustee, Asmita Group
Architecture is a social art that touches all human beings at all levels of their existence everywhere and every day. This is the only discipline, which encompasses the four major fields of human endeavor: Humanities, Science, Art and Technology, actually putting into practice the professional inputs drawn for them.
We aim to produce several batches of Architects from our college who Feel deeply concerned towards national priorities in the fields of energy conservation, ecology, environmental pollution, protection and preservation of Architectural heritage and their precincts, low cost housing, urban renewals, rural upliftment, economic development at local and district levels etc.
In the interest of quality of life of both rural and urban settlements. We believe in encouraging the creativity and harmony among the students, as they are the essence of Architecture. We take pride in Architecture that has been recognized as great, in the historic past as well as in our own time and has been harmonious with nature and its immediate environment.